Transcription Costs

public donation

28 July 2017

First of all, my court hearing is on 1-4, 18 and 21 August 2017 at the High Court. It is open to the public.

NUS asked me if I would like to share the transcription costs for transcription services during trial on the basis that NUS obtain real-time transcription and I obtain a 14-day turnaround transcription.  

The transcription is vital for my case because it provides an almost word-for-word record of what transpires in Court in the six days of hearing. Of course I would like to have the transcript of each day at the close of the day of trial to study and prepare to poke holes into NUS’ testimony the next day. But the cost is much higher to obtain real-time transcription, so I have opted for for the arrangement that NUS has proposed. (NUS’s estimated cost is $16,790, my estimated cost is S 2,610.)

This issue again highlights the advantages/disadvantages when one party has better financial resources than the other party.

The transcripts will also be very useful if the case eventually goes to the Court of Appeal.  

Events are unfolding very quickly and I can only deal with each issue and worry about the related cost as each issue develops.

Someone has suggested that I ask for funding support in order to get the real-time transcription services in order to be on par with NUS on this matter. I believe that I would need to raise $9,000 if I wish to get the real-time transcription services. But at this point in time, I have already obtained the 14-day delayed transcription service due to the much lower cost.

Can 9000 people contribute $1 each and please help share this meaningful activity with your friends!

In any case I am still trying to raise the funds to pay a creditor who lent me $6,000 for the Court hearing fees on 14 July 2017. I have managed to get $3,000 plus already through your generous donations. (Thank you!)

Please continue to support me by spreading the word.


Donation Details 


POSB Everyday Savings Account 193-69702-0

Ten Leu Jiun Jeanne-Marie

DBS Bank Pte Ltd

12 Marina Boulevard,
DBS Asia Central,
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3,
Singapore 018982

Bank swift code:

Branch code:

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